Anaerobic adhesive
high quality
Barreled, bagged, boxed, palletized or as customers' requirement
OEM service provided
8-15 days, depends on quantity needed
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Technology Epoxy
ChemicalType Epoxy
Appearance(uncured) Gray,putty
Components Twopart-Resin&Hardener
MixRatio,byweight Resin:Hardener 1:1
MixRatio,(byvolume) Resin:Hardener 1:1
Cure Room temperature cure after mixing
Application IndustrialMaintenance
MaximumGap 1.0mm
SpecificBenefits ● Lowshrinkageproperties
● Does not rust
LOCTITE®EA 3479 isanaluminumfilled, twocomponent epoxyadhesive that is ideal for therepairandrecoveryof wornanddamagedmachinery.Typical applications include repairingwornpartssuchasshafts,housings,keywaysand flanges as well as broken or damaged parts such as castings,pipesor fabrications.Thisproductcanbeusedfor jobs as varied as filling cavities, levelling machinery, repairingcast-steel plates,makingcoremoulds,applyinga sacrificial coating or sealing leaking pipes. This product is typically used in applications with an operating rangeof -20°Cto+190°C.
Technology Epoxy
ChemicalType Epoxy
Appearance(uncured) Gray,putty
Components Twopart-Resin&Hardener
MixRatio,byweight Resin:Hardener 1:1
MixRatio,(byvolume) Resin:Hardener 1:1
Cure Room temperature cure after mixing
Application IndustrialMaintenance
MaximumGap 1.0mm
SpecificBenefits ● Lowshrinkageproperties
● Does not rust
LOCTITE®EA 3479 isanaluminumfilled, twocomponent epoxyadhesive that is ideal for therepairandrecoveryof wornanddamagedmachinery.Typical applications include repairingwornpartssuchasshafts,housings,keywaysand flanges as well as broken or damaged parts such as castings,pipesor fabrications.Thisproductcanbeusedfor jobs as varied as filling cavities, levelling machinery, repairingcast-steel plates,makingcoremoulds,applyinga sacrificial coating or sealing leaking pipes. This product is typically used in applications with an operating rangeof -20°Cto+190°C.